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How to take your first steps in the fastest indoor sport in the world. You don't need experience or physique to get started,

but only legs, breath and a lot of heart


Floorball (also called Unihockey) is played atcovered. The playing field is slightly larger than the one from
basketball and can beof various materials, from wood to linoleum: it must be 20 meters wide and 40 meters long and delimited by a series of plastic sides 50 cm high and with rounded corners.

TheFloorball you can also play in an a small field (14x24m) in which the teams are made up of 3 outfield players plus the goalkeeper. In version alarge field instead there are 5 players plus the goalkeeper.

Start playingFloorball it is simple because it does not require any particular equipment (just and the rules are very similar to those of thehockey even if physical contact is not allowed.

TheFloorball it is one of the very few team games in which they are foreseen
mixed teams.

team Spartak saluto


Also calledcue orcane is made of fibreglass,
polycarbonate or carbon fibers and the weight is approx
150-250 gr. For beginners

the use of a plus rod is recommendedflexible (28-32mm)

as it allows for moreeasy control of the ball.

The cue is also composed of ahandle
(as in tennis rackets),

which is used to have

a better grip.



L'curved end of the stick is made of different plastic materials (PE, HDPE) or nylon compounds (PA).
Some models also useglass fiber orfiber
of carbon
. Different materials make the pellet softer for easier control and harder for a stronger shot.  
Increase the curve of the headstock is allowed (usually it is shaped with a hairdryer) but the maximum curve of 30 mm cannot be exceeded



He is the only player who can take theball with hands (only in your area),

he has no cane and is protected by dedicated equipment: long trousers, padded bib, shirt

Long sleeves,helmet complete with mask

and shoes. Since he remains kneeling throughout the match, theknee pads and theshell for the groin area.

The technical basics


The rules of the game

  1. It is played withthree or five players and a goalkeeper, a depending on the size of the playing field.

  2. Theresquad is composed of a minimum of six up to a maximum of 20 players.

  3. Amatch consists of three periods of 20min each.

  4. Aenclosure 50cm high surrounds the playing field.

  5. The size of thebrings is 115cm x 160cm and in front there is a protected area (2.5 x 1m) where only goalkeeper can stand despite the ball being played from here with a stick.

  6. L'goalkeeper's area is 4 x 5m and this is the area usually in which the goalkeeper stays to play.

  7. The goalkeepercan't hold the ball for more than 3sec and when he throws, the ball must hit the floor before crossing the center line;

  8. If the ballcomes out of the enclosure the team opponent can put the ball back into play 1m inside compared to the point where it came out. If the ball leaves the field on one of the two back sides and comes throw-in from the corner.

  9.  When granted a free throw (punishment), opponents must stay at least three meters away from ball also considering the sticks.

  10.  The ball can be played in the air if it is located below knee level.

  11. None are allowed physical contact or push of any kind.

  12. Players cannot play without a cue.

  13. A free throw or two minute penalty is given For tall stick,blow on the stick of the opponent,touch of the ball with your hand or head,tacklepush,obstruction,stick throwing,wrong distancein a free throw a penalty is given if the foul is committed in clear goal opportunity.


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ASD Spartak Milano Floorball - CF 97753340153 - Baldo degli Ubaldi street, 6 - 20156, Milan (Italy)

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